The conversation between Shawn French and ET revolves around the themes of determination, clarity, and personal growth. Dr. Eric Thomas Eric Thomas, Ph.D., is a critically acclaimed author, World-renowned speaker, educator, pastor, and Audie Awards...
Listen Now > In this conversation, host Shawn French interviews Jessica Weaver, also known as Jesse cakes, about her journey of overcoming challenges, including cervical cancer and domestic abuse. They discuss the importance of being a positive role model,...
Listen Now > In this conversation, Shawn French and Marques Ogden discuss the importance of authenticity, embracing change, and overcoming failure. They emphasize the need to be true to oneself and connect with others genuinely. They also highlight the significance...
Listen Now > Jody Yonker shares her journey as a cancer survivor, discussing the emotional impact, family dynamics, and the transition from corporate life to entrepreneurship. Shawn French reflects on his own health scare and the challenges of corporate culture....
Listen now! Shawn French In this show Shawn French gets perfectly clear on what is broken within youth sports. I go into great detail as to what I truly believe the issues are and I also explain that I AM NOT against Travel Ball or Showcases. What I AM AGAINST is it...